Thursday, August 29, 2013
Adopting a Vintage Family Photo
Who are these children? I have no idea...
While exploring a re-sale shop last week end, I came across the photo.
I picked it up and saw that it was $8.95...a little pricey for me, especially for someone I didn't know.
The longer I was in the store, the more I thought about their sweet little faces. I just couldn't leave them behind.
She is a precocious sweetheart with natural blonde hair, who, today, is probably in her 90's.
Look at how he is posed with folded hands...such a gentleman at an early age, if only for the few minutes of the photo.
So, I bought the photo and am now looking for the right frame. Who knows, maybe someone will see it on my blog and recognize the family.
The photographer was Fred Jorns from Girard Illinois. The clothes tell me it was probably taken the early part of the 1900's.
Have you ever been tempted to purchase a vintage photo?
I'm wondering how it traveled all the way to Texas from Illinois.
Meggie Mac
show and tell
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Gothic Style Catholic Church for Inspired Sunday
The steeple appears to reach up into the heavens. The church is named after the archangel Michael.
It's a very impressive size church in a very small community of 2,000. The population is predominantly from Czech and German descendants.
The town is named in tribute to Weimar, Germany.
This is my favorite photo, showing all the details above the stained glass windows.
I hope your day is a restful one.
Meggie Mac
Linking today with other Inspired Sunday photos. Click HERE to see more churches.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Rose Collection for Thursday Show and Tell
I thought about showing you one bowl each week. Since I purchased them as a collection and always think of them as such, it is only right that I post about them together.
The lustreware bowls are in surprisingly good shape. I believe they were produced in the early 1900's.
The details are exquisite. All of these pieces are without chips, although some of the rose patterns have worn spots.
Are you able to make out the letters? I've tried, with no luck.
One of the bowls has a cluster of grapes.
It is edged with raised dots and just a touch of green on the scalloped edges.
Look at the shadow of leaves created in the white part of the bowl.
As you can see, each one is different. On this rose bowl, the raised leaves are embellished with an outline of gold.
Again, beautiful pink, white, and deep rose colored flowers.
What makes this one so unique is the fluted back. It is still a pure white with no flaws.
Do you see the laurel swag gold design around the edges?
The identifying mark reads RCW Bavaria. The bowl was produced by Retsch & Co. of Wunsiedel (a city and district in Northeast Bavaria). This symbol was used immediately after World War I.
Once again, beautiful delicate roses have been applied to the center of the bowl.
A pink rose from my garden....
"What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
William Shakespeare
Meggie Mac
show and tell
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
A Bend in the Road....
As I travel around the back roads, I often wonder how roads like this came to be. There is a train track that runs overhead. The road takes a sharp turn to the left. There are no marking as to where it leads.
I wanted to see what was on the other courage only allowed me get out of the truck and photograph this side. As I got back in the truck, and continued down the main road, the poem by Robert Frost came to mind.
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I..
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Maybe I will return another day to see what lies beyond the bend in the road....
Meggie Mac
Friday, August 16, 2013
Friday's Fences.....Just Down the Road
Part of the fun in photographing the country backroads, is knowing I can share my life on the Blackland Prairie, with you.
Did you know this style of fencing is called Crossbuck Rail Fencing? To tell you the truth, I didn't know the name until I started writing today's post.
Click on Photo |
Several hundred crossbucks....a work of art on the countryside.
Meggie Mac

Linking with Jan 'n Jer's Friday Fences. Click HERE to see other fence photos.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Looking for Summers End
This is the time of year you see bales of hay dotting the countryside.
The corn fields are now dried stalks and the sorghum has been cut.
Farm equipment sitting idly, waiting for next year.
Where I live, summer begins when the school year ends in May. And, likewise, summer is over when the new school year begins in a couple of weeks.
Most days for the last few weeks, have been 100 to 104 degrees.
The expression "Dog Days of Summer" comes to mind.
I am so ready for the first signs of Autumn........
Meggie Mac
Most days for the last few weeks, have been 100 to 104 degrees.
The expression "Dog Days of Summer" comes to mind.
I am so ready for the first signs of Autumn........
Meggie Mac
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Yippee....There's a Rodeo Today
Are you laughing? I'm wondering how the horse did this trick.
Earlier this year, I photographed and wrote about a team roping competition. Click, HERE to read the post again.
Many contestants arrived early today, bringing horses, saddle, and boots. Oh yes, and a Bar B Q Grill and ice chest.
Don't you just love directions in the country?
Meggie Mac
cowboys and cowgirls,
Friday, August 9, 2013
Friday Fences...Stone Fence in Texas
I know stacked stone fences are a lot of work. Can you imagine how difficult it was to place these gigantic stones to form a fence?
Just for fun, click HERE to listen to a 1945 recording, of Gene Autry singing "Gonna' Build a Fence Around Texas"
Meggie Mac
I'm linking with Jan 'n Jer's Friday Fences. Click HERE to see other fences.
Just for fun, click HERE to listen to a 1945 recording, of Gene Autry singing "Gonna' Build a Fence Around Texas"
Meggie Mac

friday's fences,
stone fence
Monday, August 5, 2013
Barn Charm with Monday's Country Back Roads
Seldom do I photograph a new barn, especially a metal one. I go for the "old" buildings that many times are falling down.
What caught my attention was the Texas Flag, whipping in the wind. The colors of the flag complimented the red color of the barn.
It wasn't until I downloaded the photos that I saw the central air conditioning units, located just to the right of the electrical post.
Either they have chosen to cool off some very special animals, or maybe....this is a home built in a barn-like structure.
What do you think?
Meggie Mac
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Sunday Inside a Small Catholic Church
In January 2012, I published a post about St Martins Catholic Church. I thought it might be nice to use these photos, and post again for the Inspired Sunday link.
As you can see, in the photo, it is claimed to be the worlds smallest active Catholic Church.
The 14' 3" x 18' 1" structure, is about the size of a storage building. Apparently, a mass is still held here once a month.
It was almost noon when I took these photos. There was not a cloud in the sky, with a crisp 56 degree temperature.
Let's take a closer look at the details on the small church, originally built in the late 1880's.
The story is told that by 1915 much of the congregation had moved away. The building was dismantled to build a school in a nearby town. It has been said, that this church was rebuilt, in 1918, with the left over
An image I caught, looking through a side window.
I was surprised to find the altar so ornate. The ceiling has been left in its natural state. The walls are painted a soft shade of green.
There will be no "nodding off" to sleep, while sitting on these rustic backless pews...
Meggie Mac

I'm linking today with inspired Sunday. Click HERE to view other churches.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Thursday Show and Tell...Not What You Might Expect
Do you see someone sailing the boat? There is a dark image on the larger sailboat.
Would you guess this was hand painted on a lamp base?
When I first saw this item, I knew it was a keeper. I just didn't think it would be years before I found the perfect spot to use it in my home.
At first I wasn't sure what it was. There was no wiring in it and certainly no shade.
It is one single piece of glass, including the top part that resembles a shade. There is a hole in the glass, near the bottom, to run the electrical wire through. It reminds me of the art-deco style.
I've decided to soften the look with a leather shade.
This is the scene painted on the opposite side. It appears to be a pier extending in the water.
It is truly an unusual piece. I've tried for years to find out more about it.
This is the worn and stained paper label on the bottom.
You may recall seeing the above painting from the farmhouse guest bedroom. Click HERE to view the guest bedroom at the farm.
In about two weeks, the painting of the living room should be completed at Das Kleine Haus. Then, I'll be ready for a reveal post.
I'm also working with the farm's Keeping Room Rug. It's not always easy to make furniture, rugs and lamps, from another house, work in the new space.
So, for the first time, the lamp will have a spot to show off the hand-painting.
I'm so glad I held on to the unusual lamp...
Meggie Mac
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