Monday, July 30, 2012
Running Water....Back Road Surprise
Of all the trips I have made on this back road short-cut to town, I never once realized this beautiful spot existed.
I came across it quite by accident, when I stopped to photograph a fence post for this weeks' Friday's Fences.
Looking for a shady spot to park the truck, I stopped just past a small concrete bridge.
That is when I saw the water through all the lush green undergrowth. Click on photo for a closer look.
I'm guessing, the stream provides plenty of water for the vegetation to be so healthy and green. Everything around the area, is drying up in these high temperatures we are having.
On first sight, my imagination took me to another place in time...I wonder if a Lipan Apache or a member of the Tonkawa Indian tribe could have stood in this same spot so many years ago.
Because of the tangled underbrush, it would make a perfect hide-out... a perfect spot to water your horse and take a rest.
As the early morning sunlight danced on the water, it flowed past me, continuing under the bridge.
Don't you just love finding the unexpected in nature.....
Meggie Mac
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Military Convoy Stopping for Lunch
I decided to pop in to town for lunch on Friday. Much to my surprise, there was a military convoy traveling towards me on the main road. It is something you rarely see, and I have never encountered in our small community.
Since the beginning of my blog, my camera has become my sidekick. My thoughts were...A perfect opportunity for a post!
After they passed by me, I quickly turned around to follow. In less than 5 minutes, it was obvious they were stopping.
It was a lunch break for them, too!
And, to the surprise of my small town fast food restaurant, Whataburger, they were about to have a full house for lunch.
I quickly went to my favorite eatery, next door, for lunch. Then, I returned to Whataburger parking lot, to watch the convoy leave.
One by one, the soldiers began to walk back to their military vehicles, each carrying a rather large cup of iced drink. It was almost 100 degrees at Noon on Friday.
All lined up...and ready to roll.
The sight of this vehicle brings a tightness in my throat.....
From talking with one of the soldiers, I found out the convoy was returning from a training exercise at Fort Bliss Base, near El Paso, Texas.
I was thinking....What an appropriate place for them to stop for lunch!
Meggie Mac
texas small town
Friday, July 27, 2012
The New Studio
It is just the beginning of a small renovation. The movers brought a truck load of boxes to Das Kleine Haus this week. With so much chaos around me, I felt like I needed, at the very least, get the inside walls of the old 10' x 10' storage building finished.
Do you understand the need for one spot that has some sort of peace about it?
Here is what it looked like just a few weeks ago. The very narrow door was coming apart.
The shed was originally used to store gardening tools and many old paint cans from previous projects.
Left inside, from a previous owner, was a wonderful shelving unit that appears to have been part of an old hutch. Lucky for me, I know exactly how I can use it to store my art supplies.
Walls are now up, brushes are out and there is a project on the table.
The (pre-owned hutch) shelving has been hung and supplies are beginning to fill the area.
Some of my finished projects are hung on the walls. This is one I painted many years ago of my two youngest children. While on holiday, during the winter time, the family was searching for sea shells.
My work table, located in front of the only window, has a view of these lovely roses.
So, until the moving boxes are unpacked, and furniture arrives, the Wizard (me) will be in and out of the studio searching for some quiet time........
Meggie Mac
meg's studio,
Monday, July 23, 2012
Monday's Country Back Roads
When I think of cactus, I usually imagine a desert setting.
From time to time, I see Prickly Pear Cactus growing, as a native plant, along the back roads to the farm.
Can you see one of the ripen fruits that has turned red?
I have never picked any of the fruit....and, after learning it is necessary to wear leather gloves to scrub off the spines, I think I will continue to buy my Prickly Pear Jelly in the store!
Another good thing about my up-coming move is that I will still be driving these same back roads. The difference is, at the end of the day, My Truck will be parked in a different driveway......
Meggie Mac
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Moving....One Box at a Time
One of the many upsides of moving, is finding treasures in the storage room. I bought this vintage telephone many years ago at an estate sale. In all my years of collecting, it is the only item I have ever bid on. Most of my finds come from "junk stores".
The telephone is in exceptional condition and still contains the original workings inside it.
It has finally found a home in Das Kleine Haus, on the prairie.
This is an arrow back bench that has also been tucked away in the storage building. It is not vintage, but I bought it when my children were just babies. It is now, sitting in the dining room of my new home.
A vintage desk chair is waiting for the desk to arrive later in the week. The desk chair, is the actual chair I sit on when writing my blog and adding chapters to my novel.
Looks like Circa late 1800's.......
Plans for the Reading Nook, on the top landing of the stairs, are already spinning around in my head. I've brought an over-stuffed chair and ottoman from the farm. My writing desk will be in the space where the desk chair is sitting.
Boxes are filling up spaces in every room. More boxes and "odds and ends" furniture will be arriving this week.
This enough to keep me busy until the sale is final on the farm.....
Meggie Mac
das kleine haus,
Friday, July 20, 2012
Friday's Fences
The cable wire fence is a warning to not cross.....there is an extreme drop-off just beyond the cable. This fence is located on the Brewery on the Bluff, a post I recently wrote.
Here's looking at the two strands from a slightly different angle.
It is a great view of the valley below.
And a wonderful place to sit for a while and Give Thanks......
Meggie Mac

I'm joining in with Jan 'n Jer's Friday's Fences. Check out their blog and see other Friday's Fences.
friday's fences
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Enjoying the Summer Blooms
Do you recognize the bark of this tree? It is from the beautiful Crape Myrtle Tree, sometimes spelled as Crepe Myrtle. The mottled appearance comes from the shedding of it's bark through out the year.
There are six of these young trees surrounding the outside fence of the Secret Garden. In a few years they will have grown taller than the windows.
I have planted two other colors. This myrtle is a darker pink.
If you are thinking my photo is would be mistaken. The two white crape myrtles have grown so tall, I had to look up to photograph the flowers.
The white and light pink blooms have a cooling affect for the very hot temperatures in our Texas summers.
Meggie Mac
flower garden,
secret garden
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Show and Tell...the Little Girl in Me
Who could resist the beauty of a Jumeau Bru Reproduction Doll ? Although I'm not a doll collector, I can appreciate the fine details of her face, all hand-painted.
She was a gift, many years ago, through my family. And now, that I am sorting and boxing for the move from the farm, it appears she will be making the move with me.
Because she is so tall, 24", I kept her boxed away. Now that I will be moving to a Folk Victorian Home, with high ceilings, I think I can find a spot to display her.
Every detail is remembered, even her earrings.
Her clothes are exquisite in design...sewn by an expert seamstress.
The dress fabrics are velvet and satin, trimmed in fine lace. The sleeves of velvet have a satin inset.
Even the inside of the bonnet is lined with lace. Everything about the reproduction reminds you she is not an assembly line doll.
Of course, she would not be complete without stockings and beautiful leather shoes.
Moving is never easy.....only to be compounded with down-sizing. As I've said from the beginning of this new adventure, it is the right move for me.
I hope you continue to watch and read, as the Das Kleine Haus becomes my new home.
Meggie Mac
show and tell
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Two Old Friends....
When I look at these two buildings leaning on each other, it reminds me of relationships we have throughout our lives. Many people may pass us briefly, but some stay, and are there until the end.
It seems I'm always stopping to photograph along the back roads around the farm. I've driven by these two buildings at least once a week for the last 13 years, taking the short cut to Walmart.
Maybe the buildings have touched my heart more that I'm selling the farm.
Family, friends, and readers of my blog, you are loved and appreciated by me.
Meggie Mac
country roads
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Listen to the Rhythm of the Falling Rain...
This is what the sky looked liked before the rain started.....
Do you remember the lyrics of the love song, Listen to the Rhythm of the Falling Rain, recorded by Ricky Nelson? Nice song....nice memories. But, today I need to concentrate on packing everything in the art studio.
Puddles of Rain |
Meggie Mac
Monday, July 9, 2012
Moving.....and New Possibilities
If you think I have taken a vacation, you are mistaken. Moving from the farm is much more than I could have ever imagined. There are days I burst out in tears. I'm on an emotional roller coaster at the moment, trying to make decisions on what to keep and what must be left behind.
So, please bare with me as I make this transition to my new adventure.
Soon, I will be inviting you into my new "old" home, Das Kleine Haus. This is the vintage door bell that needs no electricity for it to work.
Inside the front door is the bell....
The door glass allows light in, while preventing a direct view into the room.
Although I will miss the farm, this is a good move for me......
Meggie Mac
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