While traveling from the prairie to my cottage on the edge of a forest, I saw "white peg-shaped" objects lined up on the bank of a farm pond. They were so far away, I could not make out what they were. There seemed to be no movement at all. Suddenly.....
Click on Photo
they took to the sky. With one fluid motion, moved to the right, circled around, and....
landed higher on the hill.
From a Google search, I learned that a group of egrets are collectively known as a "Stampede of Egrets".
The White Cattle Egrets are the only egrets with both a yellow bill and yellow feet.
Click HERE to read some interesting facts about them.
Although my photos are not of the clear quality I like to post, I thought the story was still worth a link with
Meggie Mac
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
A Stampede of White Cattle Egrets for Wild Bird Wednesday
Monday, April 28, 2014
White Prickly Poppies are the Star of Monday's Country Backroads
As the bluebonnets begin to fade, the Texas White Prickly Poppy is now the bright white bouquet dotting the hillsides. It is a large flower, with delicate petals and a cluster of bright yellow and red stamens.
The plant has great medicinal usage, especially by the native American Indians. If not used properly, it can be very toxic.
It is said that the deer and cows will not eat the prickly covered foliage, even in times of drought.
This is an incredible scene that I wish you, my dear readers could enjoy with a trip to Texas in the Spring.
Thank you, for following along with another ride through....
the country back roads.
Meggie Mac
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Traveling on the Isle of Skye...Portree Parish Church
I must admit while visiting Portree, the main town on Skye, not enough care was taken when photographing the Portree Parish Church.
The doors are open during the summer months. My daughter and I were traveling Scotland in
St Columba and St Taraglen are depicted in stained glass windows. If you will click HERE, it will link you to Undiscovered Scotland. This site gives you beautiful photos of the interior, especially the stained glass windows.
It sits higher than the walkways and is surrounded with a decorative iron fence.
Here is a quote from Scotland's Churches Trust:
"St Columba brought Christianity to Skye and the ruins of earlier churches are to be seen in and around Portree. The present building was built as a Free Church in 1854, became the United Free Church in 1900 and the Church of Scotland in 1929"
I did say it was October....it was glorious weather that day. In fact, our entire trip was blessed with fair weather.
Meggie Mac

Linking today with inspired Sunday. Click HERE to view other churches.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Just Wondering.....
Was someone expecting high water?
And, if I really needed a phone, could I climb on the fence, steady myself, while trying to open the door?
Just wondering
Meggie Mac
Linking with Good Fences. Click HERE to enjoy other photos about fences.
friday's fences,
good fences
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Going French Today on Thursday Show and Tell
You know how it is when you are packing for a move...and you come across a box that was not unpacked from a previous move? This is how I re-discovered a real treasure from my farmhouse.
The photo doesn't do it justice. The art nouveau majolica pitcher has a very shiny glaze. Each petal, flower, and stem are raised.
Are you surprised at the name? Or, had you already guessed it was a piece of Frie Onnaing?
If my source information is correct, it is dated between 1850-1899.
The inside is a lovely shade of light burgundy.
The pitcher is now traveling to Meggie's Country Cottage.
Meggie Mac
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
On the Hunt....with Wild Bird Wednesday
Looking for a post title was not easy. The Black Vulture is a scary looking creature.
I was on the Bluff, where I have taken so many photos of nature. Click HERE to read a post about the historical brewery on The Bluff.
The Bluff is an area about 200' high, overlooking the Colorado River and the nearby small town.
I was afraid if I tried to get closer, my movements would make him fly away. The Colorado River is in the background.
We must not forget, the Black Vulture plays a very important, but many times under-appreciated role, in the ecosystem.
Either, he doesn't know I am watching....or, he does know, and isn't threaten by me.
Meggie Mac
Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday
Monday, April 21, 2014
Red Poppies...from Flanders Fields to Monday's Country Backroads
It was early morning, and the dew was still clinging to the flowers and grass.
What comes to mind is the famous poem by John McCrea, "In Flanders Fields".
Back in 2013, I wrote about the "Buddy Poppy", quoting the poem. Click HERE to read this post.
Simply in awe of their beauty, covered in water droplets.
Also during World War I, was a local Texan, Henry Purl Compton, serving in the American Expeditionary Forces. He sent red poppy seeds, from Europe, to his mother in Georgetown, Texas.
The Flanders seeds continued to re-seed year after year. Georgetown is now known as the Red Poppy Capital of Texas, celebrating every Spring with a festival.
They have a very unusual seed pod....
that starts with a "nod".
Right before blooming, it lifts its head to open the bloom.
Gardening Notes: Add Red Poppies to my seed list.
How about adding them to your list?
Meggie Mac
Sunday, April 20, 2014
St Stanislaus Kostka Church in Texas with Polish History
The history surrounding St Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Church begins in 1866 with the arrival of the first Polish immigrants.
The early settlers referred to the community as "Little Rome of Texas".
Quoting from the church history: "It has always seemed providential to its parishioners that the site of St Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Church is built upon seven hills, the same number of hills upon which ancient Rome, the site of the Holy See, is built".
120 loads of crushed granite rocks, for the foundation, was donated by Grimes County Judge Thomas Buffington, whose father had brought the first Polish family to Grimes County.
The Romanesque-style church was completed in 1917, replacing a wooden structure. It was the first brick catholic edifice in Grimes County, Texas, built at a cost of $40,000.
The dedication sermon was given in Polish. Over 1,500 people were in attendance.
Today, the stained glass windows alone, are valued over $208,000.
In 2008, 325 families remain members, residing in several surrounding communities.
Wishing you, my dear readers, a Joyous Easter...
Meggie Mac

Linking today with InSPIREd Sunday.
Click HERE to view other churches
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Then Came the Rain and the Azaleas...
Click HERE ....to read the latest post on Meggie's Country Cottage. I'm still trying to work the kinks out of the new blog. For some reason my today's post had a white background. I have managed to repair it.
Also the "join me" button, soon to be corrected, was not working.
Meggie Mac
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Thursday Show and Tell.....Changes are Coming
I've been waiting for the right time to announce another blog...
Today is that day!
For some time now, I have contemplated a move closer to family. So, that is what I am doing.
The plan is to continue with this blog, while using the other one for the cottage renovations.
The above photo is of my new outside space...towering pine trees in a National Forest.
If you would like to read my first post, click HERE.
Meggie Mac
Thursday, April 10, 2014
A Flower Pot Full of Love
When thinking about this flower, love comes to mind. Every Spring, the Amaryllis showers me with these jumbo blooms..... asking nothing in return.
The amaryllis bulbs have been growing in the same pot, for many years. It withstands our hottest days of 108 degrees. Even our coldest winter nights of below freezing weather, doesn't seem to bother "my old friend".
You may find it difficult to believe, but it is never fertilized. I must admit, I occasionally pour the last bit from my coffee mug into the flower pot.
No fancy pot......just a faded plastic gardening tub for these glorious blooms.
I'm sure you can see why I call it "A Flower Pot Full of Love".
Meggie Mac
flower garden,
Monday, April 7, 2014
Appreciating the Bluebonnets on Monday's Country Backroads
It was one of those perfect mornings...the air was a crisp 59 degrees with a misty haze hanging in the background.
As far as the eye can see, the rolling hills are covered with bluebonnets.
This time of year, there are no words adequate for describing the views.
The colors are not limited to blue. Sometimes an entire pasture will be yellow, pink, and even orange.
Whatever the season, I can always find beauty while traveling the countryside.
Meggie Mac
Friday, April 4, 2014
Country Fence Dressed-Up with Wildflowers
Spring has arrived.....
Texas is bursting with color!
Bluebonnets, the Texas State Flower, are covering the hillsides.
Meggie Mac
Linking today with Good Fences
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